Sample Identifications for Test on Medieval Europe

Sample Identifications for Test on Medieval Europe

Holy Land

The Holy Land is the home land of Jews including Jerusalem that was founded by King David. It was the home of King Solomon's Temple and the place where Jesus was crucified. It was also the site of Muhammad's night journey, and therefor it is considered an important holy place for all three religions, Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.


Caffa was occupied by the Genoans in the mid-1300s and was built to be a major trading post but the Viennese allied with Tatars to take over the city. The Tatars dropped the chopped up bodies of plague infected soldiers into the city and the infested Genoans fled by sea to other parts of Europe where they spread the plague. The Black Death caused a huge amount of death in Europe from 1348 – 1350 and later changed the societies in Europe and caused the rise of the middle class.


Is is a political and social system of medieval Europe with four classes: king, nobles, knights and serfs who couldn't live without each other. The king gave lands to nobles who were loyal to the king and the nobles gave lands to knights who gave military service to nobles while the lords gave land to the peasants in exchange for labor. People were born into their class and there was little social mobility or prosperity.

7 Sacraments

The seven sacraments are the 7 rites that Christians do in their life to be holy, such as marriage and communion. The 7 Sacraments shape medieval Europe and made church powerful, because only priests could perform these rites, and without them, a person could not go to heaven. People had a fear of Hell, so they dedicated themselves to these sacraments.

Pope Urban II

After the Byzantine Emperor asked him for help in defeating the Turks, Pope Urban II was the pope who started the first crusade by playing on men's guilt, invoking pity for Christians, threatening damnation and offering reward like booty and salvation to those who agreed to fight in the crusades. He wanted to offer a diversion for knights from constant warfare in Europe and to unify Europe against an exterior threat.

People's Crusade

The People's crusade was begun by Peter the Hermit and fought by people who were from all levels in the society including knights and commoners in 1096 for six months. 30000 people in the crusade had little money and food, no military experience and poor leadership, so they massacred thousands of Jews, pillaged and destroyed towns until they were defeated and killed by the Turks. Though this crusade failed, it was the prelude of the first crusade which succeeded.

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