Quotations for Act 2

  1. Act 2 Quotes


Know the speaker and context.

Know what is being said.

Know what is significant about what is being said –

  • does it show something about a character’s motivations?
  • something about the relationship between two characters?
  • something about a change in a character’s personality?
  • something about theme of the play?


*The first page number listed is from the No Fear Shakespeare.


            If you stick with me, when the time comes, there will be something in it for you. (51)



            Art thou but a dagger of the mind, a false creation,               (53)

            Proceeding from the heat-oppressed brain?



            I’ll go no more                                                            (59)

            I am afraid to think what I have done;

            Look on ‘it I dare not.



            Will all great Neptune’s ocean wash this blood                      (60)

            Clean from my hand?


Lady Macbeth

            A little water clears of us this deed.                                       (60)



            O gentle lady,                                                                         (70)

            ‘Tis not for you to hear what I can speak;

            The repetition in a woman’s ear,

            Would murder as it fell.



            To show an unfelt sorrow is an office                                    (76)

            Which the false man does easy.


  1. Themes


Write a statement about each of the questions related to themes in Macbeth.

At this point, whom do you blame most for Macbeth’s actions and why?

Write four statements that you think the play makes about violence.





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