Monday, September 14, 2015

Hello Students:

I hope that you enjoyed a peaceful weekend in Seattle! I spent time at the beach in Lincoln Park and with neighbors. I also had to organize work for my son who is still not in school, because the Seattle school teachers are on strike. That means that they will not go to work (and children like my son will not go to school) until the teachers have a contract that they like. They want more pay. They do not want the school day to be longer for children. And, they do not want to give children so many tests. The idea of a strike is that if all of the teachers, together, say that they will not work, then they have a powerful voice. You will learn more about the history of strikes in the United States when you study 20th Century history in 11th grade.

I hope that you were able to understand some of the lecture today. We will review the information during class tomorrow.

Here is your homework:

Write the introduction letter for your blog and send me the link. So far, I have received the link from Vesper and Owen, and I know that Tony is also finished. You may email the link to my school email:

Your homework for tonight is to read a cosmology myth from China. I have posted the my under the mythology section of this blog. As you read, please look up 5 - 10 words that you do not know and write (type) the Chinese definition on the document.
We will discuss the myth in class tomorrow.

I will see you in section tomorrow.


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