Intro Writing for Gilgamesh

Gilgamesh City Write

The epic of Gilgamesh begins and ends with an invitation to the reader to visit the beautiful city of Uruk, “which no city on earth can equal.” The reader is invited to “See how its ramparts gleam like copper in the sun….climb the stone staircase…walk on the wall of Uruk, follow its course around the city, inspect its mighty foundations…observe the land it encloses: the palm trees, the gardens…the shops and marketplaces…”(69-70) To a large extent, the epic is about humans becoming civilized, building and moving into cities.
    In your own introduction to an epic, select a city or neighborhood in a city that you love, and invite the reader to visit.
  • Use the imperative tense:
                Come see...
        Walk through...
    Listen to...
  • Use a minimum of :
two colors

two sounds

one taste

Pick a particular place to invite your reader to in your writing. For example, you might choose The Pike Place Market or your dorm room or The ID in Seattle. You might choose a particular place in your home city. Choose somewhere different than you wrote about in your poem.

Remember to use imperative tense as if you are asking your reader to come with you and see!

Complete two paragraphs of detailed writing.

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